The SwingDuke
Golf Swing & Fitness Machine®
Feel it. Learn it. Do it.
The SwingDuke is the
intersection between
golf instruction &
golf fitness
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Looking for: Full Swing Aids - Short Game Aids - Putting Aids - Junior Products - Fitness & Distance Products, then look no further because the SwingDuke covers all of them and there has never been a better Golf Swing Trainer and Fitness Machine.
How & Why it Works:
The SwingDuke Golf Stroke Machine has a Propeller-like Arm that attaches to any club and spins on an inclined plane equal to that club’s lie angle;
thus producing an Inside-Square-Inside swing path when the machine is facing parallel to the target line.
The Propeller-like Arm attaches to any golf club in such a way that it forces you, compels you, to execute the proper technique for the ENTIRE golf stroke.
The forced applications of the proper technique are as follows:
1. Ball position can be exactly placed at, before, or after the low point of the arc and because of that proper stance and alignment are dictated from the beginning
2. The correct posture is also dictated because you are setting yourself up around a club that is already positioned on a correct swing plane.
Bottom of the Prop Arc..........
3. The club head’s only swing path is: inside-square-inside, when the machine is facing parallel to the target line. The club’s shaft stays on plane at all times.
Below: The swing plane is set exactly equal to the club's lie angle. Notice how the hands line up with the shoulder's plane.
Below: The swing plane is set steeper than the club's lie angle. Notice how the hands are above the shoulder's plane. This is what one would do if they are deemed a 2 plane swinger.
4. Right wrist and arm is forced to bend at the proper location of the Backswing.
5. Straight left arm, flat left wrist, and bent right wrist at Top of Backswing.
6. Sustainment and feel of a lagging club head from transition to and through impact with the flat left wrist still intact.
7. Left and right arms straighten out only after the low point of the arc and then start to roll at the end of the Follow Through into the Finish.
8. The Pivot and proper weight shift is felt on the first swing because you aren't just swinging a club, you’re swinging a club that is attached to a propeller that has mass; that mass in motion forces the proper pivot and weight shift. In addition, you quickly get the feel of rhythm and balance.